FX rates 20.01.2025
All FX rates
EUR - 25.205 CZK
USD - 24.427 CZK
GBP - 29.795 CZK

Bank lending survey – I/2025

In 2024 Q4, corporations’ demand for loans rose in more than half of the banking market, the highest increase since 2021.

DORA regulation comes into effect

Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 on digital operational resilience for the financial sector (known as DORA) comes into effect on 17 January 2025. This regulation establishes a single European legal framework for harmonising processes and standards in the area of the digital resilience of financial institutions using information and communication technology (ICT). DORA builds on existing regulatory requirements in the financial sector, complementing them and broadening the group of obliged entities.

The CNB’s area of competence under the regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA)

The CNB is set to become the competent authority under the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) on the basis of the draft Act on the Digitalisation of the Financial Market. The CNB is ready to receive applications and notifications once the legislative process has been completed and the relevant act comes into effect.

CNB Workshop: Current Issues in Financial Stability, Macroprudential Policy, and Regulation

The Czech National Bank held its inaugural annual research workshop on financial stability and macroprudential policy on December 17–18, 2024.

The CNB revokes the licence of Podnikatelská družstevní záložna

The Czech National Bank (CNB) has revoked the credit union licence of Podnikatelská družstevní záložna (PDZ) due to persistent serious shortcomings in its activities. The decision became final and conclusive on 13 January 2025. Further to this step, the CNB filed a petition to the court to dissolve and liquidate PDZ and to appoint a liquidator.

cnBlog – The euro and us: Crises and their reflection on financial market integration

How does financial market integration progress within the European Union? Are foreign exchange and stock markets equally aligned? These questions are explored in a blog article by Jan Babecký, Luboš Komárek and Zlatuše Komárková through the lens of beta- and sigma-convergence, using a sample of selected EU countries.

Read CNB Governor Aleš Michl’s selected speeches and interviews in which he explains how the central bank is fighting inflation and what steps it is taking to achieve price stability.

The older 1995–1999 versions of Czech banknotes have ceased to be legal tender. How can you identify the invalid banknotes most easily and where can you exchange them?

The CNB has prepared a web portal devoted to its financial and economic literacy activities for the public.

Read the CNB’s regular and occasional publications.

By 2028, the Czech National Bank will hold 100 tonnes of gold – the most in its history – in its international reserves, gradually rebuilding the nation’s gold reserves. Why gold?

Payments are an essential part of our daily lives, and instant payments allow you to send money without the wait. How exactly do they work, and how can they make your life easier? Read more to find out.

Key rates


Discount Rate


2W Repo Rate


Lombard Rate



December 2024

CNB current forecast


Inflation 2024


Inflation 2025


GDP 2024


GDP 2025

Capital buffer rates


CCyB rate


SyRB rate


O-SIImax rate

Limits on credit ratios



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Golden Rules for Bureau-de-Change Clients

  1. Change money only at designated bureaux de change. Before changing money, carefully read all the information given on the exchange rate list.
  2. The terms “purchase and sale of foreign currency” and the corresponding exchange rates, i.e. the information about the direction of the exchange, are given from the bureau de change’s perspective...

More about ten golden rules

CNB resumes operation of services at its branches

  • All branches and regional offices of the Czech National Bank will return to full operation, five days a week, from Monday, 14 December 2020.
  • The standard opening hours for CNB clients and the public will be Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 2.00 pm, with a lunch break from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
  • Before your visit, you can check the opening hours for each of our offices on the CNB website (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice and Ústí nad Labem).