FX rates 31.01.2025
All FX rates
EUR - 25.170 CZK
USD - 24.214 CZK
GBP - 30.095 CZK

CNB to assess options for broadening investment to include other asset classes

At its meeting on Thursday, after discussing a document on international reserve management in 2024, the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank approved a proposal to analyse the options for investing in additional asset classes.

Štěpán Radkovský appointed Deputy Executive Director of the Research and Statistics Department, Martin Hodula named Director of the Research Division

Štěpán Radkovský was appointed Deputy Executive Director of the Research and Statistics Department with effect from 1 February 2025. Martin Hodula was named Director of the Research Division of the Research and Statistics Department with effect from the same date. At its meeting on 30 January, the Bank Board confirmed both managers in their roles, which they had been performing in an acting capacity since 1 January 2025, when the Research and Statistics Department was established.

Attendance of CNB Bank Board members at the monetary policy meeting on 6 February 2025

All seven members of the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank will be attending the monetary policy meeting on 6 February 2025.

CNB WP 1/2025 – Payment Holidays, Credit Risk, and Borrower-Based Limits: Insights from the Czech Mortgage Market

In this paper, the authors analyze the use of loan moratoria during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech Republic. Based on detailed data on mortgage loans, the study illustrates the distinct roles of legislative moratoria, which were primarily used by borrowers as a precautionary measure during a period of heightened uncertainty, and subsequent bank moratoria, which were utilized by higher-risk clients. The findings in the paper also show that borrower-based measures (LTV, DTI, and DSTI limits) introduced before the pandemic significantly contributed to reducing the need for moratoria and limiting the volume of loan defaults after their expiration. This, in turn, reduced credit risk and strengthened financial stability.

CERTIS processes almost a billion interbank payment transactions annually. The CNB will now also provide non-bank entities with access to the system

The Czech National Bank (CNB) will provide access to its CERTIS payment system to new applicants. Besides banks and other credit institutions, non-bank institutions will also be able to use the infrastructure, which enables reliable and secure money transfers between the payer and the payee and – in the case of instant payments – in just a few seconds.

Global Economic Outlook 1/2025 is out now

The January issue of Global Economic Outlook, including a foreword by Bank Board member Jan Kubíček, presents the regular monthly overview of recent and expected developments in selected territories. The analytical part of this issue looks at property market trends in selected European countries from the start of the new millennium, coupled with a simple view of property price misalignment.

Read CNB Governor Aleš Michl’s selected speeches and interviews in which he explains how the central bank is fighting inflation and what steps it is taking to achieve price stability.

The older 1995–1999 versions of Czech banknotes have ceased to be legal tender. How can you identify the invalid banknotes most easily and where can you exchange them?

The CNB has prepared a web portal devoted to its financial and economic literacy activities for the public.

Read the CNB’s regular and occasional publications.

By 2028, the Czech National Bank will hold 100 tonnes of gold – the most in its history – in its international reserves, gradually rebuilding the nation’s gold reserves. Why gold?

Payments are an essential part of our daily lives, and instant payments allow you to send money without the wait. How exactly do they work, and how can they make your life easier? Read more to find out.

Key rates


Discount Rate


2W Repo Rate


Lombard Rate



December 2024

CNB current forecast


Inflation 2024


Inflation 2025


GDP 2024


GDP 2025

Capital buffer rates


CCyB rate


SyRB rate


O-SIImax rate

Limits on credit ratios



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Golden Rules for Bureau-de-Change Clients

  1. Change money only at designated bureaux de change. Before changing money, carefully read all the information given on the exchange rate list.
  2. The terms “purchase and sale of foreign currency” and the corresponding exchange rates, i.e. the information about the direction of the exchange, are given from the bureau de change’s perspective...

More about ten golden rules

CNB resumes operation of services at its branches

  • All branches and regional offices of the Czech National Bank will return to full operation, five days a week, from Monday, 14 December 2020.
  • The standard opening hours for CNB clients and the public will be Monday to Friday from 7.30 am to 2.00 pm, with a lunch break from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
  • Before your visit, you can check the opening hours for each of our offices on the CNB website (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, České Budějovice and Ústí nad Labem).