CNB Research News

Quarterly Summary – 1/2023
Published by the Research and Statistics Department

— Our Latest Research


— Latest Journal Publications

Learning and Cross-Country Correlations in a Multi-Country DSGE Model
by Volha Audzei

Economic Modelling, 2023, Vol. 120, pp. 1–18

Macroprudential Policy in Central Banks: Integrated or Separate? Survey Among Academics and Central Bankers
by Simona Malovaná, Martin Hodula, Zuzana Gric and Josef Bajzík

Journal of Financial Stability, 2023, Vol. 65, pp. 1–13

Cooling the Mortgage Loan Market: The Effect of Borrower-Based Limits on New Mortgage Lending
by Martin Hodula, Martin Melecký, Lukáš Pfeifer and Milan Szabo

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2023, Vol. 132, pp. 1–26

Monetary Policy Spillover to Small Open Economies: Is the Transmission Different Under Low Interest Rates?
by Jin Cao, Valeriya Dinger, Tomás Gómez, Zuzana Gric, Martin Hodula, Alejandro Jara, Ragnar Juelsrud, Karolis Liaudinskas, Simona Malovaná and Yaz Terajima

Journal of Financial Stability, 2023, Vol. 65, pp. 1–14

Confidence Cycles and Liquidity Hoarding
by Volha Audzei

International Journal of Central Banking, 2022, Vol. 18(3), pp. 281–320


— Latest Working Papers

March 2023 – CNB WP 3/2023
Macroprudential Policy and Income Inequality: The Trade-off Between Crisis Prevention and Credit Redistribution
by Simona Malovaná, Jan Janků and Martin Hodula

We estimate the impact of macroprudential policy on income inequality using a broad panel of 105 countries. The empirical results show that macroprudential policy can affect income inequality in both directions, with the direction of effect depending on the type of tool used and the wider macrofinancial conditions. The results suggest that timely implementation of macroprudential policy can contribute to a more even distribution of income in society, thanks to the increased resilience of the financial sector to financial crises.

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March 2023 – CNB WP 2/2023
The Application of Multiple-Output Quantile Regression on the US Financial Cycle
by Michal Franta

The paper demonstrates the benefits of multiple-output quantile regression for macroeconomic analysis. The domestic financial cycle, which is characterized by the co-movement of credit and property prices, is a natural subject of such methodology. The analysis finds that the crucial indicators include the banking sector’s exposure to household credit, household leverage, house price misalignment and financial market volatility. This contrasts with the negligible role of real-economy factors.

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February 2023 – CNB WP 1/2023
Finding the Optimal Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves with a Quantum Computer
by Martin Veselý

In this paper, we focus on applications of quantum algorithms to dynamic portfolio optimization based on the Markowitz model. In particular, we compare algorithms for universal gate-based quantum computers (the QAOA, the VQE and Grover adaptive search), single-purpose quantum annealers, the classical exact branch and bound solver and classical heuristic algorithms (simulated annealing and genetic optimization). We demonstrate portfolio optimization on finding the optimal currency composition of the CNB’s FX reserves.

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All Research Publications

— Hot Topics at Home and Abroad


— Global Economic Outlook

March 2023 – CNB GEO 03/2023
Regional Sentiment of Central European Currencies in the Global Context
by Soňa Benecká and Petr Polák

This article focuses on the factors influencing exchange rate movements and shows that they are not only related to macroeconomic fundamentals, but also to changes in global investor sentiment and confidence in the region, especially in times of financial market uncertainty and the flight to safe assets.

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February 2023 – CNB GEO 02/2023
At the Crossroads of Change: The 5G Digital Economy as a Gateway to the Future
by Michaela Ryšavá

This article examines the roll-out of fifth-generation (5G) technology, which has huge transformation potential due to the possible digitisation of the economy, especially as the modern world is hugely dependent on technology and data communications.

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January 2023 – CNB GEO 01/2023
Do the Breadth and Intensity of the Tightening of Monetary Conditions Affect their Impact on the Global Economy?
by Soňa Benecká, Martin Kábrt, Luboš Komárek and Petr Polák

This article examines the potential spillover effects of one of the most broad-based and rapid episodes of the tightening of global monetary conditions in history, which occurred in 2022 and 2021. In the article, the authors focus on the exchange rate channel, which is zero-sum in global terms, and the limited transmission speed. They also examine the resulting challenges for central banks.

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All Issues of Global Economic Outlook

— Thematic Articles on Financial Stability

December 2022 – CNB FS 2/2022
Relationship Between the MREL and Macroprudential Capital Buffers
by Lukáš Pfeifer and Libor Holub

This article studies the impacts of the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) on the effectiveness of macroprudential capital regulation of the banking sector. It examines the MREL's effect on the usability of banks' capital buffers and any capital surplus for absorbing losses and lending to the economy in various economic scenarios. The article concludes that the introduction of the MREL may cause usability to decrease, especially during long adverse economic episodes in banks that use internal models to manage credit risk.

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All Thematic Articles on Financial Stability

— Central Bank Monitoring

March 2023 – CBM I/2023
Monetary Policy in the Midst of War: The Case of Ukraine
by Vojtěch Molnár

Ukraine has been plagued by war for over a year. Given the situation, most attention is understandably focused on matters other than monetary policy. That said, the central bank is playing a major role in ensuring at least the basic functioning of society and the economy in wartime conditions. This article first summarises the monetary policy regime operated by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) before the war. It then looks at the approach taken by the NBU since the war broke out in February last year.

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All Issues of Central Bank Monitoring
March 2023 – CNBLOG
The Current Monetary Conditions in the Czech Republic: Tight or Easy?
by Jan Frait and Jakub Matějů

Monetary policy is more than just interest rates: the effect of the exchange rate is also important. Therefore, the real monetary conditions index is commonly used for small open economies, including the Czech economy. This combines the effect of both the interest rate component and the exchange rate component of monetary conditions and shows how tight or easy the overall monetary policy stance is. This blog article explains what this index says about monetary policy in the Czech Republic.

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March 2023 – CNBLOG
Will Quantum Computers One Day Manage International Reserves? (Part 3)
by Martin Veselý

Previous issues have explained whether and how quantum computers could be used in finance in the future. This time the blog article by M. Veselý focuses on the application of quantum algorithms in portfolio optimisation and shows how they could be deployed in the search for the optimal international reserves currency structure.

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15 May 2023