Structure of currency in circulation as of 31 December 2006

Nominal value In circulation,
in CZK millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
in circulation,
in millions
Share in % No. of notes/coins
per capita
in the Czech Republic
5,000 CZK 101,790.6 31.7% 20.4 6.5% 2.0
2,000 CZK 64,180.2 20.0% 32.1 10.2% 3.1
1,000 CZK 122,260.4 38.0% 122.3 38.8% 11.9
500 CZK 10,300.4 3.2% 20.6 6.5% 2.0
200 CZK 8,997.7 2.8% 45.0 14.3% 4.4
100 CZK 4,349.6 1.4% 43.5 13.8% 4.2
50 CZK 1,293.4 0.4% 25.9 8.2% 2.5
20 CZK 106.9 0.0% 5.3 1.7% 0.5
Total banknotes 313,279.2 97.4% 315.1 100.0% 30.6
50 CZK 1,424.3 0.4% 28.5 1.1% 2.8
20 CZK 2,722.2 0.8% 136.1 5.3% 13.2
10 CZK 1,455.9 0.5% 145.6 5.6% 14.1
5 CZK 815.9 0.3% 163.2 6.3% 15.8
2 CZK 556.3 0.2% 278.2 10.8% 27.0
1 CZK 341.0 0.1% 341.0 13.2% 33.1
0.50 CZK 196.4 0.1% 392.8 15.2% 38.1
0.20 CZK 93.9 0.0% 469.3 18.1% 45.6
0.10 CZK 63.3 0.0% 633.2 24.5% 61.5
Total coins 7,669.2 2.4% 2,587.9 100.0% 251.2
Commemorative coins 546.7 0.2% 1.2    
Total 321,495.1 100.0% 2,778.3   281.8