Commemorative silver coins issued since 1993

(Detailed description of older coins is available in Czech language only)

Date of issue,
Decree No.
Metal, weight,
diameter and thickness
Normal  quality:
Mintage, Edge marking
Proof quality:
Mintage, Edge marking
Designer Mint
100 Kč
Supreme Court
26. 3. 2025
53/2025 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
9 g
29 mm and 1.80 mm
  limit 11,900 pcs
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the establishment of Czech savings bank Böhmische Sparkasse
12. 2. 2025
26/2025 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 6,300 pcs
limit 16,000 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary of the publication of Comenius’ map of Moravia
30. 10. 2024
301/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 7,600 pcs
limit 13,800 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
100 Kč
Security Information Service
21. 8. 2024
244/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
9 g
29 mm and 1.80 mm
  limit 18,300 pcs
Veronika Durová Czech Mint
200 Kč
350th anniversary of the death of Karel Škréta
24. 7. 2024
212/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 7,300 pcs
limit 12,900 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
500 Kč
ČKD Tatra T3 tram
18. 6. 2024
113/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.60 mm
limit 10,700 pcs limit 19,300 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
100 Kč
Prosecutor General’s Office
27. 3. 2024
49/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
9 g
29 mm and 1.80 mm
  limit 19,000 pcs
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Bedřich Smetana
28. 2. 2024
7/2024 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 7,700 pcs
limit 13,800 pcs
plain with an inscription
Jiří Hanuš Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Josef Suk
3. 1. 2024
361/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 7,500 pcs
limit 13,500 pcs
plain with an inscription
Petra Čánská Czech Mint
200 Kč
300th anniversary of the death of Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel
6. 12. 2023
336/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 11,100 pcs
limit 18,900 pcs
plain with an inscription
Vladimír Oppl Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Max Švabinský
13. 9. 2023
268/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 11,150 pcs
limit 18,850 pcs
plain with an inscription
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
500 Kč
Tatra 603 car
14. 6. 2023
157/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.60 mm
limit 10,794 pcs
limit 19,206 pcs
plain with an inscription
Petra Brodská Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the start of regular broadcasting by Czechoslovak radio
17.5. 2032
122/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 11,242 pcs
limit 18,758 pcs
plain with an inscription
Marie Šeborová Czech Mint
200 Kč
75th anniversary of the appointment of Josef Karel Matocha as Archbishop of Olomouc
1. 3. 2032
43/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 11,730 pcs
limit 18,270 pcs
plain with an inscription
Marie Šeborová Czech Mint
200 Kč
500th anniversary of the birth of of Jan Blahoslav
15. 2. 2023
16/2023 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 11,504 pcs
limit 18,496 pcs
plain with an inscription
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Dana Zátopková and Emil Zátopek
14. 9. 2022
266/2022 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 8,300 pcs
limit 15,400 pcs
plain with an inscription
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Gregor Johann Mendel
19. 7. 2022
208/2022 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 6,700 pcs
limit 2,800 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
500 Kč
Jawa 250 motorcycle
15. 6. 2022
134/2022 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.60 mm
limit 9,877 pcs
limit 20,123 pcs
plain with an inscription
Petra Brodská Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Jože Plečnik
27. 1. 2022
523/2021 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 5,900 pcs
limit 11,200 pcs
plain with an inscription
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
10 000 Kč
100th anniversary of the establishment of Greater Prague
30. 11. 2021
407/2021 Coll.
999 Ag
1,000 g
100 mm and 14 mm
limit 2,300 pcs
limit 5,800 pcs
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Karel Havlíček Borovský
27. 10. 2021
379/2021 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,900 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of František Kupka
22. 9. 2021
337/2021 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,900 pcs
plain with an inscription
Adam Alva Fejfar Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the death of Jan Janský
8. 9. 2021
293/2021 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,700 pcs
plain with an inscription
Jiří Hanuš
(obverse side), Asamat Baltaev
(reverse side)
Czech Mint
500 Kč
Škoda 498 Albatros steam locomotive
9. 6. 2021
205/2021 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.60 mm
limit 5,700 pcs
limit 12,000 pcs
plain with an inscription
Asamat Baltaev minting:
Czech Mint
IQ Structures
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Adolf Loos
2. 12. 2020
470/2020 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,700 pcs
plain with an inscription
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
200 Kč
600th anniversary of the promulgation of the Four Articles of Prague
1. 7. 2020
289/2020 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.10 mm
limit 5,800 pcs
limit 11,300 pcs
plain with an inscription
Michal Vitanovský Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the High School of Applied Arts for Glassmaking in Železný Brod
17. 6. 2020
260/2020 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.10 mm
limit 5,400 pcs
limit 10,300 pcs
plain with an inscription
Luboš Charvát Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of the adoption of the Czechoslovak Constitution and the founding of the Constitutional Court of the Czechoslovak Republic
26. 2. 2020
36/2020 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.75 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,600 pcs
plain with an inscription
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Božena Němcová
29. 1. 2020
14/2020 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 11,100 pcs
plain with an inscription
Jiří Harcuba Czech Mint
200 Kč
500th anniversary of the start of the minting of the Jáchymov thaler
8. 1. 2020
342/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 6,700 pcs
limit 12,300 pcs
plain with an inscription
Veronika Adamcová Czech Mint
200 Kč
600th anniversary of the First Defenestration of Prague
24. 7. 2019
152/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,700 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Majka Wichnerová Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of the first issue of Czechoslovak money
3. 7. 2019
151/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and 2.65 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,900 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Luboš Charvát Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the construction of the first Czech-produced aeroplane, the Bohemia B-5
24. 4. 2019
108/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.20 mm
limit 5,000 pcs
limit 9,400 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Aleš Hrdlička
20. 3. 2019
64/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.30 mm
limit 4,700 pcs
limit 8,800 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the Czecho-slovak Red Cross
6. 2. 2019
22/2019 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 5,900 pcs
limit 9,200 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
200 Kč
300th anniversary of the death of Jan Brokoff
12. 12. 2018
275/2018 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 5,300 pcs
limit 9,900 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of the Washington Declaration
17. 10. 2018
223/2018 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm a 2.90
limit 5,000 pcs
limit 9,700 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Jakub Orava Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the establishment of the National Museum
5. 9. 2018
146/2018 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,600 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Petr Horák Czech Mint

200 Kč
500th anniversary of the issuance of Klaudyán map

28. 2. 2018
15/2018 Coll.

925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2,2 mm

limit 5,800 pcs

limit 10,200 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)

Zbyněk Fojtů

Czech Mint

200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of Czech astronomical society
6. 12. 2017
393/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2,25 mm
limit 5,400 pcs
limit 10,400 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
200 Kč
650th anniversary of the consecration of Saint Wenceslas Chapel in Saint Vitus Cathedral
29. 11. 2017
377/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 5,800 pcs
limit 11,600 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of Hollar, the Association of Czech Graphic Artists
4. 10. 2017
288/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 5,300 pcs
limit 9,700 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Martin Dašek Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of the Battle of Zborov
28. 6. 2017
169/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm a 2.65 mm
limit 5,100 pcs
limit 9,400 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Josef Kainar
14. 6. 2017
154/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.25 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,200 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
75th anniversary of Operation Anthropoid
24. 5. 2017
131/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.2 mm
limit 5,400 pcs
limit 11,600 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Irena Hradecká Czech Mint
200 Kč
300th anniversary of the birth of Maria Theresa
26. 4. 2017
81/2017 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 11,300 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
450th anniversary of the Birth of Jan Jessenius
14. 12. 2016
389/2016 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.35 mm
limit 5,400 pcs
limit 10,000 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the battle of Hradec Králové
29. 6. 2016
165/2016 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.2 mm
limit 5,300 pcs
limit 10,000 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Roman Shamilyan Czech Mint
200 Kč
125th anniversary of the General Land Centennial Exhibition
11. 5. 2016
110/2016 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 5,200 pcs
limit 9,600 pcs
plain with an inscription 5)
Asamat Baltaev Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary Foundation of Czechoslovak National Council
10. 2. 2016
30/2016 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm a 2.75 mm
limit 4,800 pcs
limit 8,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Josef Šafařík Czech Mint
500 Kč
250th anniversary of the birth of poet and playwright Václav Thám
21. 10. 2015
265/2015 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm a 2.8 mm
limit 4,900 pcs
limit 9,400 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Michal Vitanovský Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the introduction of the steam car by Josef Božek
16. 9. 2015
211/2015 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů (obverse side),
Martin Dašek (reverse side)
Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Jan Perner
2. 9. 2015
210/2015 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the deciphering of Hittite by Bedřich Hrozný
3. 6. 2015
126/2015 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
limit 5,500 pcs
limit 10,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Vladimír Pavlica Czech Mint
200 Kč
750th anniversary of the foundation of České Budějovice
4. 3. 2015
36/2015 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 5,600 pcs
limit 10,900 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
25th anniversary of 17 November 1989
12. 11. 2014
238/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 5,900 pcs
limit 14,900 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Jiří Hanuš Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of Birth of artist and writer Jiří Kolář
24. 9. 2014
190/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
40 mm and 2.85 mm
limit 5,100 pcs
limit 9,800 pcs
plain, engraved 6)
Jiří Věneček obverse,
Martin Dašek reverse
Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of entrepreneur Tomáš Baťa Jr.
3. 9. 2014
188/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 5,800 pcs
limit 12,100 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of Foundation of Czechoslovak legions
6. 8. 2014
160/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 6,000 pcs
limit 11,700 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Luboš Charvát Czech Mint
200 Kč
450th anniversary of birth of Czech nobleman Kryštof Harant z Polžic a Bezdružic
11. 6. 2014
102/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 5,800 pcs
limit 11,500 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Vladimír Pavlica Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of writer Bohumil Hrabal
26. 3. 2014
47/2014 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 6,100 pcs
limit 11,700 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Vladimír Oppl Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary birth of inventor and chemist Otto Wichterle
23. 10. 2013
319/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 6,700 pcs
limit 14,200 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of footballer Josef Bican
11. 9. 2013
271/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 6,800 pcs
limit 14,300 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Petr Horák Czech Mint
200 Kč
750th anniversary of the establishment of the Zlatá Koruna monastery
19. 6. 2013
142/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.35 mm
limit 6,900 pcs
limit 15,400 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of opera singer Beno Blachut
5. 6. 2013
137/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and
2.6 mm
limit 6,600 pcs
limit 13,900 pcs
plain, engraved 6)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
250th anniversary of birth of philologist and philanthropist Aloys Klar
10. 4. 2013
81/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.2 mm
limit 6,900 pcs
limit 15,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Branislav Ronai Czech Mint
200 Kč
20 years of the CNB and Czech currency
6. 2. 2013
23/2013 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.2 mm
limit 7,300 pcs
limit 18,700 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Vladimír Oppl Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the opening of the Municipal House in Prague
7. 11. 2012
365/2012 Coll.
925 Ag 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.2 mm
limit 7,700 pcs
limit 13,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Majka Wichnerová Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of painter Kamil Lhoták
20. 6. 2012
209/2012 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.5 mm
limit 7,700 pcs
limit 13,200 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Tereza Eisnerová Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of Junák scout movement
11. 4. 2012
112/2012 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.5 mm
limit 8,000 pcs
limit 12,200 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the foundation of Sokol movement
15. 2. 2012
12/2012 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 8,000 pcs
limit 12,200 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Jaroslav Bejvl Czech Mint
500 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of painter and puppeteer Jiří Trnka
1. 2. 2012
11/2012 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and
2.6 mm
limit 6,800 pcs
limit 12,100 pcs
plain, engraved 6)
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary of the death of Rudolf II
11. 1. 2012
5/2012 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.35 mm
limit 8,100 pcs
limit 12,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Majka Wichnerová Czech Mint
500 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Karel Jaromír Erben

2. 11. 2011
296/2011 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
25 g
40 mm and
2.55 mm
limit 7,300 pcs milled limit 10,800 pcs
plain, engraved 6)
Jaroslav Bejvl Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary of death of Petr Vok of Rožmberk
19. 10. 2011
305/2011 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit  8,300 pcs milled limit  12,400 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Jaroslav Bejvl (líc)
Mgr. Petr Horák (rub)
Czech Mint
200 Kč
500th anniversary of birth of Jiří Melantrich
15. 6. 2011
159/2011 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit  7,900 pcs milled limit  11,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Jan Smrž Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the first long-distance flight by Jan Kašpar
27. 4. 2010
99/2011 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 7,800 pcs milled limit 11,600 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Josef Šafařík Czech Mint
200 Kč
Prague conservatory opens
30. 3. 2010
58/2011 Coll.
925 Ag, 75 Cu
13 g
31 mm a 2.35 mm
limit 7,800 pcs milled limit 11,500 pcs
plain, engraved 5)
Martin Dašek Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary birth of director Karel Zeman
27. 10. 2010
272/2010 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 9,500 pcs milled limit 13,200 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Lenka Nebeská Czech Mint
200 Kč
700th anniversary – John of Luxembourg’s marriage to Elisabeth of Premyslides
1. 9. 2010
238/2010 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 9,600 pcs milled limit 13,900 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jakub Vlček Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary - Birth of painter Alfons Mucha
23. 6. 2010
182/2010 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm a 2.3 mm
limit 10,300 pcs milled limit 15,900 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Ivan Řehák Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary - Birth of composer Gustav Mahler
9. 6. 2010
181/2010 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 10,400 pcs milled limit 15,400 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Miroslava Česlová,
Josef Oplištil
Czech Mint
200 Kč
600th anniversary - Construction of the Astronomical Clock in Prague's Old Town
17. 3. 2010
34/2010 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 10,800 pcs milled limit 16,500 pcs
plain, engraved 2)

Ivan Řehák
Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary - Kepler´ s Laws of Planetary Motion
360/2009 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 10,700 pcs milled limit 20,700 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary of death of Rabbi Jehuda Löw
160/2009 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.35 mm
limit 11,300 pcs milled limit 18,100 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Josef Šafařík Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of reaching of the North Pole
32/2009 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.35 mm
limit 10,500 pcs milled limit 17,600 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Věneček Czech Mint
200 Kč
FIS Nordic World Ski Championships
31/2009 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.3 mm
limit 11,000 pcs milled limit 15,200 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
David Čermák  Czech Mint
200 Kč
Czech Presidency to the EU
474/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.4 mm
limit 13,200 pcs milled limit 19,700 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of foundation of the Czech Ice Hockey Association
285/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.5 mm
limit 10,600 pcs milled limit 15,100 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of foundation of the National Technical Museum
209/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and
2.25 mm
limit 10,000 pcs milled limit 15,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of birth of cinema pioneer Viktor Ponrepo
159/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 9,600 pcs milled limit 15,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jan Smrž Czech Mint
200 Kč
Entry into the Schengen Area
101/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 9,800 pcs milled limit 16,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of death of architect Josef Hlávka
9/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 9,600 pcs milled limit 16,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
650th anniversary of decree of Charles IV on Vineyard Planting
8/2008 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 9,800 pcs milled limit 17,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Věneček Czech Mint
200 Kč
50th anniversary of launch of the first Earth satellite
235/2007 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 10,400 pcs milled limit 14,800 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Luboš Charvát Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of opera singer Jarmila Novotná
203/2007 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 10,200 pcs milled limit 12,800 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
650th anniversary of laying of the foundation stone of Charles Bridge in Prague
113/2007 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 10,800 pcs
limit 20,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Josef Šafařík Czech Mint
200 Kč
550 anniversary of foundation of Jednota bratrská (Unitas Fratrum)
14/2007 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 10,500 pcs
limit 8,300 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of birth of composer Jaroslav Ježek 20 September 2006
408/2006 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 11,500 pcs milled limit 20,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Josef Oplištil Czech Mint
200 Kč
700th anniversary of the male line of the Premyslid dynasty ends with the death of Wenceslas III
364/2006 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 11,500 pcs milled limit 7,500 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
400th anniversary of the death of Matěj Rejsek
271/2006 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 10,000 pcs milled limit 6,500 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the foundation of the School of Glassmaking in Kamenický Šenov
29.3.2006 52/2006 Coll. 900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 12,000 pcs
limit 7,500 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zuzana Hubená Czech Mint
200 Kč
250th anniversary of the birth of physicist and engineer František Josef Gerstner
200th anniversary of the teaching starts at the Prague Polytechnic University
19/2006 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 13,500 pcs
limit 8,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Vojtěch Dostál Czech Mint
200 Kč
450th anniversary of the birth of Mikuláš Dačický of Heslov (poet, politician)
463/2005 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 12,000 pcs
limit 6,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Harcuba Czech Mint
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz
435/2005 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 13,500 pcs
limit 8,500 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the production of the first automobile in Mladá Boleslav
18/2005 Coll
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 14,000 pcs
limit 11,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Jan Werich and Jiří Voskovec (Czech actors)
18/2005 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 13,500 pcs
limit 5,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Milan Hanko face side,  Jiří Velinger reverse side  Czech Mint
200 Kč
425th anniversary of the first edition of the Kralická bible
(the first standard of literary Czech language)
510/2004 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2,35 mm
limit 13,500 pcs
limit 5,000 pcs
plain engraved 2)
Zbyněk Fojtů Czech Mint
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Leoš Janáček
346/2004 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 14,000 pcs
limit 4,600 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Věneček Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
250th anniversary of contructing of  the lightning conductor by Prokop Diviš
297/2004 Coll.
900 Ag. 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 14,000 pcs
limit 4,600 pcs
plain engraved 2)
Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
The accession of the Czech Republic to the EU
162/2004 Coll
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 14,000 pcs
plain, engraved: CY * CZ * EE * HU * LT * LV * MT * PL * SI* SK *
limit 10,000 pcs
plain engraved:  CY* CZ* EE * HU * LT * LV * MT* PL* SI * SK *
Josef Oplištil face side
Jakub Vlček reverse side
Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
400th anniversary of the death of Jakub Krčín of Jelčany (pisciculturist)
3/2004 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g 31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 14,000 pcs milled limit 4,600 pcs plain engraved 2) Vladimír Oppl Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the Skiers' Union in the Kingdom of Bohemia
365/2003 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 14,500 pcs
limit 5,000 pcs
plain engraved 2)
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the first electrified railway from Tábor to Bechyne
161/2003 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 14,500 pcs.
limit 4,600 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Josef Thomayer
51/2003 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 14,000 pcs.
limit 4,500 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Ladislav Kozák face side,
Josef Oplištill reverse side
Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Jaroslav Vrchlický
8/2003 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 15,500 pcs.
limit 4,500 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Jiří Harcuba face side,
Pavel Jekl reverse side
Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of Mikolas Ales, the Czech painter
445/2002 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 15,500 pcs.
limit 5,000 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Petr Pyciak face side, Luboš Charvát reverse side Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
550th anniversary: George of Poděbrady appointed Governor of the Crown Lands of Bohemia
113/2002 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 16,000
limit 4,200 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Michal Vitanovský Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the death of traveller Emil Holub
34/2002 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 16,500 pcs.
limit 4,000 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
750th anniversary of the death of st. Zdislava of Lemberk
434/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 16,500 pcs.
limit 4,000 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Michal Vitanovský Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
Introduction of the single european Currency, the euro, into circulation
412/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.35 mm
limit 17,000 pcs.
limit 4,000 pcs.
plain engraved 2)
Josef Šafařík Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
250th anniversary of the death of Kilian Ignac Dientzenhofer
401/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.5 mm
limit 179,000
limit 3,700 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Petr Pyciak Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Jaroslav Seifert
308/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 16,000
limit 3,500 pcs.
plain, engraved
the sculptor 
Ladislav Kozák
Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the Czech Football
307/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 19,000
limit 4,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Milena Blašková Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of birth of the composer
František Škroup
158/2001 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2,3 mm
17,000 pcs.
limit 3,300 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
Coin to mark the start of the new millenium.
382/2000 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 17,000 pcs.
limit 3,500 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth and 100th anniversary of the death of the composer Zdeněk Fibich
314/2000 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 17,000 pcs.
limit 3,200 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Vladimír Oppl Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
The InternationalMonetary Fund and World Bank Group Meetings in Prague
/2000 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu 13 g
31 mm and 1.9 mm
limit 20,000 pcs milled limit 3.limit 3,000 pcs plain, engraved 2) Otakar Dušek Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
700th anniversary of the Currency reform by Václav II and the commencement of minting of the Pragergroschen
139/2000 Coll.
900 Ag, 100Cu 13 g
31 mm and 2,4 mm
limit 20,000 pcs. milled limit 3,500 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Jiří Věneček Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Vítězslav Nezval
111/2000 Coll.
900 Ag, 100Cu 13 g
31 mm and 2,2 mm
limit 20,000 pcs. milled limit 3,200 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Ondřej Sekora
186/1999 Coll.
900 Ag, 100Cu 13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
limit 20,000 pcs. milled limit 3,200 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Jaroslav Bejvl Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the Brno University of Technology
185/1999 Coll.
900 Ag, 100Cu 13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
limit 20,000 pcs. milled limit 3,200 pcs. plain, engraved 2) Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the foundation of Academy of Art and Sculpture
150/1999 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu 13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 20,000 pcs. milled limit 3,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Lukáš Rudolf Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
50th anniversary of the foundation of NATO
35/1999 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
limit 20,000 pcs
plain, engraved 3)
limit 3,000 pcs
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
800th anniversary of the Coronation of the Czech King Přemysl I Otakar
176 /1998 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
20,000 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Jiří Věneček Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
150th anniversary of the birth of František Kmoch
122 /1998 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
20,000 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of František Palacký
97/1998 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
20,000 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Vladimír Oppl Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
650th anniversary of the foundation of Charles University in Prague
40/1998 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.6 mm
26,500 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
plain, engraved 2)
Majka Wichnerová Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
650th anniversary of the foundation of the  
Na Slovanech-Emauzy monastery
271/1997 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.5 mm
22,500 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the Czech Amateur Athletic Union and the holding of the oldest race "Běchovice-Praha"
80/1997 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
22,500 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
1000th anniversary of the death of
St. Adalbert
36/1997 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
22,500 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of production of  "The Präsident", the first passenger car in Central Europe
4/1997 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
22,500 pcs.
3,000 pcs.
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of Czech Christmas Mass by composer  Jakub Jan Ryba
266/1996 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.5 mm
25,000 pcs.
2,500 pcs.
Ladislav Kozák Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Jean-Baptiste Gaspard Deburau
128/1996 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.5 mm
24,500 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Jiří Harcuba Bižuterie Česká Mincovna, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the birth of Karel Svolinský
297/1995 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.4 mm
24,500 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Vladimír Oppl Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
100th anniversary of the foundation of the
Czech Philharmonia
267/1995 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.3 mm
24,500 pcs.
2,500 pcs.
Vladimír Oppl Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
50th anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations
214/1995 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.25 mm
24,500 pcs.
2,500 pcs.
František Skrbek Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
200th anniversary of the birth of Pavel Josef  Šafařík
64/1995 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
25,000 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Petr Horák Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
50th anniversary of the victory over fascism
63/1995 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31 mm and 2.2 mm
25,000 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Jitka Jelínková Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
Protection of the environment
206/1994 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31mm and 2.05 mm
25,000 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Ladislav Kozák Česká Mincovna Bižuterie Jablonec, a.s.
200 Kč
125th anniversary of the horse-drawn tram in Brno
147/1994 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31mm and 2,05 mm
25,000 pcs.
2,000 pcs.
Jiří Harcuba Štátna mincovňa Kremnica
200 Kč
50th anniversary of the Allied Landings in Normandy
103/1994 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31mm and
1.95 mm (uncirculated)
1.91 mm (proof)
32,500 pcs.
milled 1)
12,500 pcs.
plain 1)
Jarmila Truhlíková
Royal Mint Llantrisant
200 Kč
650th anniversary of the foundation of the Prague Archbisopric and laying of the cornestone of St.Vitus Cathedral
67/1994 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31mm and 2.2mm
27,500 pcs.
2,500 pcs.
Jarmila Truhlíková
Münze Österreich AG Wien
200 Kč
1st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the
Czech Republic
261/1993 Coll.
900 Ag, 100 Cu
13 g
31mm and 2.2mm
30,000 pcs.
5,000 pcs.
Jitka Jelínková Münze Österreich AG Wien

Detailed descriptions of coins issued until 2008 are available in Czech only. Descriptions of coins issued from 2009 are also available in English.