Award for best CNB research publication in 2021

The Bank Board of the Czech National Bank has granted an award for the best research publication. The award is granted each year to the best research publications issued by the CNB in the previous year.

The authors of the winning paper, Holding the Economy by the Tail: Analysis of Short- and Long-Run Macroeconomic Risks (pdf, 4MB), are Michal Franta and Jan Libich. Michal Franta works in the Monetary Department of the Czech National Bank and Jan Libich works at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava and La Trobe University in Melbourne. The award-winning paper introduces a new empirical model which allows us to analyse the sources and size of macroeconomic risks. 

The Executive Director of the Monetary Department and the Executive Director of the Financial Stability Department have also decided to grant an award to the best peer reviews of two research publications. Peer reviews are one of the major factors contributing to the final form and quality of a research publication. This year’s awards have been granted to Dominika Ehrenbergerová of the Financial Stability Department and Róbert Ambriško of the Monetary Department.

The award ceremony for the best research publication will be part of the international Czech National Bank Research Open Day conference, to be held at the CNB Congress Centre on 23 May 2022. At this conference, CNB researchers will present the winning paper and the latest research outcomes and discuss them with economists from Czech and international institutions.

Further information on the CNB’s research papers and Research Open Day is available in the economic research section of the CNB website.

Markéta Fišerová
Director of the Communications Division and CNB Spokesperson