Financial Market On-Site Inspection Division III to be headed by Kateřina Pscherová

Kateřina Pscherová became Director of the Financial Market On-Site Inspection Division III with effect from 6 September. This decision was made by the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank (CNB). Martin Fleischmann, the previous director of the division, resigned from his post for family reasons as of 31 August 2024.

Kateřina Pscherová received a master’s degree from the Faculty of Law at Charles University. Since her studies, she has focused on the area of anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT). She worked at the Council of Europe’s MONEYVAL committee until 2016. Since July 2016, she has been working at the CNB, initially at the Financial Regulation and International Cooperation Department. Starting in April 2020, she headed the Anti-Money Laundering Analyses and Statistical Support Unit of the Financial Market Supervision Department. Her work at the CNB involves meetings with international organisations and European institutions. She has represented the CNB in an EBA committee on AML/CFT since 2016.

Jakub Holas
Director, Communications Division