Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Czech National Bank’s Commodity Exchange (Plodinová burza) building,
Senovážné nám. 30, Praha 1
8.30 | Registration & Morning Coffee |
9.00 | Introduction and ERD Award 2009, Robert Holman, Chief Executive Director, CNB |
9.10 | CNB Research in 2009, Kateřina Šmídková, Executive Director, ERFSD, CNB |
9.20 | The Origins of Global Imbalances, Jan Brůha and Jiří Podpiera, CNB |
9.45 | Discussion: Roland Straub, ECB |
10.10 | Q&A |
10.15 | Coffee |
Chair: Michal Hlaváček, CNB |
10.40 | Central Bank Losses and Economic Convergence, Martin Cincibuch, Tomáš Holub and Jaromír Hurník, CNB |
11.05 | Discussion: Marie Hoerová, ECB |
11.30 | Q&A |
11.35 | Survey of Wage and Price Formation of Czech Firms, Jan Babecký, Kamil Dybczak and Kamil Galuščák, CNB |
12.00 | Discussion: Ana Lamo, ECB |
12.25 | Q&A |
12.30 | Lunch |
The programme of CNB Research Open Day 2009 can be downloaded also in pdf format (91 kB)
Please note that places will be subject to availability owing to the limited capacity of the conference facility. Registration is closed.