Exchange Rate: A Shock Absorber or a Shock Generator? – Programme

Prague, 6 December 2021, Online Format

Please note that all times are given in Central European Time (GMT+2)

13.30 Webex Opens
14.00 Opening Remarks
14.15 Exchange Rate Dynamics and its Effects on the Macroeconomic Volatility: Czech Republic and Selected CEE Countries (pdf, 376 kB)
Volha Audzei (Czech National Bank), František Brázdik
14.40 Monetary Policy, Trade, and Commodity Price Fluctuations
Lawrence L. Schembri, Galip Kemal Ozhan (Bank of Canada)
15.05 Fiscal Regimes and the Exchange Rate (pdf, 1 MB)
Enrique Alberola, Carlos Cantú, Nikola Mirkov, Paolo Cavallino (BIS)
15.30 Monetary Policy and Redistribution in Open Economies (pdf, 1.6 MB), paper (pdf, 2.7 MB)
Pablo Ottonello, Diego J. Perez, Xing Guo (Bank of Canada)
15.55 Break
16.25 Animal Spirits in the Foreign Exchange Markets (pdf, 640 kB)
Paul de Grauwe (London School of Economics and Political Science)
17.55 Break
18.25 Non-linearities, Asymmetries and Dollar Currency Pricing in Exchange Rate Pass-through: Evidence from the Sectoral Level
Ida Hjortsoe,  John Lewis (Bank of England)
18.50 UIP: a Partial Reconciliation from Event Studies
Luis Ceballos, Sebastian Claro, Damian Romero, Elías Albagli (Central Bank of Chile)
19.15 Trade Flows and Exchange Rates: Importers, Exporters and Products (pdf, 1.4 MB)
Michael B. Devereux, Wei Dong, Ben Tomlin (Bank of Canada)
19.40 End of the Programme

Local organizers:  Volha Audzei (Czech National Bank), Jan Brůha (Czech National Bank).

To register, please contact the organizers