Administrator’s notification

The Czech National Bank, authorised by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic to administer the issuance of government bonds of the Czech Republic, hereby announces that the payment of interest on

The Bond of the Czech Republic, 2017–2027, 0,25% ISIN CZ0001005037 and the payment of interest on stripped coupon No. 8 ISIN CZ0000703582

to owners that owned these bonds on their securities accounts at the Czech Securities Centre as at the end of the record date, i.e. 11 January 2025, will commence on 12 February 2025.  The interest will be paid by non-cash transfer based on a payment instruction made by the eligible person in writing.

The payment instruction and documents necessary for the non-cash transfer of the interest on 12 February 2025 must be delivered to the administrator no later than on 26 January 2025 to the following address:

by mail:
Czech National Bank
Division 624
Na Příkopě 28
115 03 Prague 1

or in person:
CNB – Division 624
Mrs. Zimová, Mrs. Volavková, Mrs. Rottová
Na Příkopě 28, Prague 1
tel. 22441 2535, 2187, 2158