List of other systemically important institutions

The capital buffer for other systemically important institutions (the “O-SII buffer”) should mitigate risks connected with potential destabilisation of systemically important institutions, which could have significant adverse effects on the financial system and the economy as a whole. The buffer should make key institutions in the banking sector more resilient to adverse developments, enabling banking services to be provided to the real economy without disruption. The CNB is required to draw up a list of O-SIIs – and set the buffer for individual O-SIIs where appropriate – at least once a year.

List of O-SIIs

The CNB draws up a list of O-SIIs on the basis of domestic institutions’ systemic importance scores. In setting the scores, the CNB fully follows the guidelines of the EBA (EBA/GL/2014/10, “Guidelines”). In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Guidelines, it calculates a score for each relevant entity at the highest consolidation level of the part of the group that falls under its jurisdiction, including subsidiaries in other Member States and third countries. The CNB applies two discretions allowed by the Guidelines. In accordance with paragraph 12 of the Guidelines, it exempts investment firms from the calculation, as they do not play an important enough role in the Czech financial system. In accordance with paragraph 9 of the Guidelines, it raises the threshold for designating entities as O-SIIs from the base level (350 basis points, i.e. 3.5%) to the highest level allowed by the Guidelines (425 basis points, i.e. 4.25%). This aims to ensure the highest possible homogeneity of the group of O-SIIs.

In the most recent review in September 2024 using data as of mid-2024, the following consolidated groups were designated as O-SIIs for 2025 given the threshold of 4.25%:

Other systemically important institutions Score in %
Československá obchodní banka 21.4
Komerční banka 17.6
Česká spořitelna 16.7
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia 12.0
Raiffeisenbank 7.0
PPF Financial Holdings 5.0

O-SII buffers

Due to their designation as O-SIIs, the CNB sets an additional capital requirement for the relevant institutions, which are required to meet it on a solo and/or consolidated basis. To set the O-SII buffer, the CNB uses the bucketing approach (with the option of adjustments based on supervisory assessments), where the systemic importance score intervals correspond to specific O-SII buffer rates. The maximum O-SII buffer rate is 3%. In the case of domestic institutions that are subsidiaries of foreign corporations identified by their home supervisors as other or global systemically important institutions (O-SIIs or G-SIIs), the upper limit on the O-SII buffer rate may be set no more than 1 percentage point above the buffer rate set for O-SIIs or G-SIIs of the foreign corporations. Detailed information on the CNB’s approach to the setting of the O-SII buffer is available in the thematic article on financial stability entitled The CNB’s approach to setting the capital buffer for other systemically important institutions: Past and present.

Table – List of other systemically important institutions and the capital buffer rate

Name of consolidated group Status in 2025 Status in 2024
Included in the list Rate Included in the list Rate
Československá obchodní banka Yes 2.5% Yes 2.5%
Česká spořitelna Yes 2.5% Yes 2.0%
Komerční banka Yes 2.0% Yes 2.0%
UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia Yes 1.5% Yes 1.5%
Raiffeisenbank Yes 0.5% Yes 0.5%
PPF Financial Holdings Yes 0.5% Yes 0.5%

*The CNB was using the systemic risk buffer to mitigate risks associated with the systemic importance of institutions until October 2021. Since the transposition of CRD V took effect on 1 October 2021, the CNB uses the J-SVI buffer for these purposes.