Balance of payments report 2010
- Text (pdf, 792 kB)
- Tables and charts to download in xls format:
- I. Executive summary
- II. Full report
- III. Annexes
- annex 1 financial flows between the Czech Republic and the European Union in 2010 (xls, 33 kB)
- annex 2 effective exchange rate of the koruna (xls, 51 kB)
- annex 3 debt indicators of external stability (xls, 98 kB)
- annex 4 balance of payments (xls, 46 kB)
- annex 5 balance of payments (in detail) (xls, 83 kB)
- annex 6 direct investment (xls, 74 kB)
- annex 7 portfolio investment (xls, 88 kB)
- annex 8 international investment position (xls, 41 kB)
- annex 9 external debt (xls, 52 kB)
- annex 10 debt service of the Czech Republic (xls, 39 kB)