Information obligations of banks and branches of foreign banks
A regulated entity is obliged to start fulfilling its reporting obligations after obtaining a banking licence (in the case of banks and branches of banks from third countries) or after completing passporting (in the case of branches of foreign banks from the EU) and after registration in the Commercial Register.
Where a licence has been granted or passporting completed and the entity is not ready to commence actual operations, a deferral of reporting obligations may be requested through the contacts listed for each reporting area.
The collection of statistical, supervisory and resolution data for the needs of the Czech National Bank and other data users is primarily performed by the SDAT system.
For data acquisition and reporting, the SDAT production environment is used for routine operation, while the test environment is used for testing purposes (link, in Czech only).
Documents for reporting using the SDAT system are available on the CNB website, in the section SDAT technical specification (in Czech only). Any changes will be announced in the News section on the main SDAT page of the CNB website (in Czech only).
Contact for registration in the SDAT system and for the resolution of technical difficulties with reporting:
European legislation on reporting
- Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament on prudential requirements for credit institutions (link)
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions (link)
- Regulation (EU) 2021/379 of the European Central Bank of 22 January 2021 on the balance sheet items of credit institutions and of the monetary financial institutions sector (recast) (ECB/2021/2) (link)
- Regulation (EU) No 1072/2013 of the European Central Bank of 24 September 2013 concerning statistics on interest rates applied by monetary financial institutions (recast) (ECB/2013/34) (link)
- Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 of the European Central Bank of 28 November 2013 on payments statistics (ECB/2013/43) (link)
- Regulation (EU) 2020/2011 of the European Central Bank of 1 December 2020 amending Regulation (EU) No 1409/2013 on payments statistics (ECB/2013/43) (ECB/2020/59) (link)
- Regulation (EU) 2016/867 of the European Central Bank of 18 May 2016 on the collection of granular credit and credit risk data (ECB/2016/13) (link)
- Guideline (EU) 2021/830 of the European Central Bank of 26 March 2021 on balance sheet item statistics and interest rate statistics of monetary financial institutions (ECB/2021/11) (link)
- Guideline (EU) 2021/832 of the European Central Bank of 26 March 2021 on reporting requirements on payments statistics (ECB/2021/13) (link)
- General guidance on the requirements for reporting fraud data under Article 96(6) of PSD2 EBA/GL/2020/01 (link) amending EBA/GL/2018/05 (link)
National legislation on reporting
- Decree No 346/2013 Coll., on the submission of statements by banks and branches of foreign banks to the Czech National Bank, as amended (link).
- Decree No 401/2021 Coll., on the submission of certain statements in the field of payment transactions to the Czech National Bank (link, in Czech only)
- Decree No 131/2018 Coll., on the submission of information on loans and credit risk to the Czech National Bank (link, in Czech only)
- Decree No 273/2014 Coll., on compiling and submitting information for the Czech National Bank database - the Central Credit Register by banks and branches of foreign banks (link)
- Official Information of the Czech National Bank of 12 October 2021 on certain provisions of decrees on the submission of statements by banks, branches of foreign banks and credit unions to the Czech National Bank (link, in Czech only)
- Official Information of the Czech National Bank of 24 June 2020 (pdf, 260 kB) on certain information obligations under the Payment System Act and Commission Regulation 2018/389 (link, in Czech only)
Summary information on supervisory reporting is published on the supervisory statistics website (link).
From a legal perspective, crisis resolution is primarily regulated at EU level. This also applies to data collection, which is enshrined in particular in the following legislation (directly effective EC Regulation or EBA ITS, on the basis of which a directly effective EC Regulation will be issued) - link.
Methodological information including reporting structures under European regulations - EBA statements (COREP, FINREP) is available in Czech and English (link to EBA website). National statements, including methodological information and statement descriptions, are available only in Czech.
- An overview of specific requirements in the area of supervision and resolution statements and reporting obligations by entity type is published on the internet (link, in Czech only)
- The form of the individual statements is available on the SDAT collection system portal in the menu Methodological information - Statements - Reporting framework (link, in Czech only)
- Selected information on currently valid or forthcoming methodologies is available under the SDAT menu (link, in Czech only).
- Compliance with the information obligations under Act No 370/2017 Coll., on the payment system (regulated by the official information of 24 June 2020 on certain information obligations under the Payment System Act and Commission Regulation 2018/389) through the SDAT system is not a regular obligation, but takes place on an ad hoc basis. Where an event occurs that triggers the obligation to report data to one of the statements (IPSIFE%), i.e. in the event of fulfilment of the condition specified in Section 161(5), Section 181(3) or Section 191(5) of Act No 370/2017 Coll., on the payment system, as amended.
Contact for questions on supervisory and resolution reporting:
Reporting obligations and methodology
- The exact definition of the required data and the form of individual statements for the needs of monetary and financial statistics and other specialised units (Banking Transactions Section, Money Section) are available in the SDAT collection information system in the menu Methodological information - Statements - VR Banking in the time context of the relevant methodology (link, in Czech only), only in the Czech language. Only the following statements are relevant for monetary and financial statistics:
- statement CZEONIA01 = CEO (CNB) 1-98, SOTIFE60 = V (CNB) 60-12, TISIFE11 = VT (CNB) 1-12, VISIFE20 = V (CNB) 13-04;
- statements of the series rISIFE% = Bil (CNB) 1-12, VST (CNB) 22-12, VST (CNB) 1-12, V (CNB) 39-04, VST (CNB) 41-12, VST (CNB) 11-12, VST (CNB) 3-12);
- statements of the series sISIFE% = VUS (CNB) 1-12, VUS (CNB) 2-12, VUS (CNB) 3-12, VUS (CNB) 11- 12, VUS (CNB) 12-12, VUS (CNB) 13-12;
- statements of the series jISIFE% = E (CNB) 9-01, E (CNB) 10-01.
- The exact definition of the required data and the format of the individual statements for payment statistics are available in the SDAT information collection system under Methodological information - Statements - VR Payment services reporting (PSD2) in the time context of the relevant methodology (link, in Czech only). The methodology is also available in English by selecting the appropriate language version. Detailed methodological information for this area is also available on the CNB website under Monetary and financial statistics (link, in Czech only), where it is also possible to subscribe to alerts to follow relevant updates to this page.
Further information on central account register reporting is available on the CNB website (link, in Czech only).
Reporting obligation and methodology
CNB AnaCredit data reporting is primarily based on ECB AnaCredit and consists of monthly/quarterly reporting of defined statements PANACR02 - PANACR23. Collection is carried out using the CNB SDAT collection system. However, there are significant differences between CNB and ECB AnaCredit - CNB AnaCredit is a superset of ECB AnaCredit. The main differences are:
- national attributes (attributes with $ in AnaCredit scheme) and national statements (PANACR21 - Contract linkage, PANACR22 - Credit risk, PANACR23 - Economically related group)
- CNB AnaCredit also collects purely off-balance sheet instruments (more details in AnaCredit national specifics, in Czech only)
Attributes identical to ECB attributes are reported under ECB methodology, i.e. using the AnaCredit manual parts I, II, III.
Receivables for legal persons (LP) and natural persons engaged in business (NPEB) are reported to AnaCredit. If a bank (or branch of a foreign bank) does not record any receivables to be reported to AnaCredit, they must report blank statements PANACR02 to PANACR23 in the SDAT system on a monthly basis (for each reference period).
All necessary information, documents and contacts are available on the CNB website, in the section Reporting to AnaCredit.
The correctness of AnaCredit data is tested in four steps, and all four levels of checks must be completed to successfully close the reporting in a given month:
- format checks - implemented in SDAT
- single-statement checks (SSC) - implemented in SDAT
- inter-statement checks (ISC) - implemented in SDAT
- plausibility checks (DQI or comparison with RISIFE and FINREP) and comparison with the Central Credit Register - implemented outside SDAT (communication via e-mail and/or the Central Credit Register DM system)
Completion of the first three steps of the SDAT checks is formally referred to as compliance with the reporting obligation and is required within 30 days following the reference date of the relevant statements. The completion of the last, fourth step is confirmed by an confirmation e-mail from the Business Administration of AnaCredit and is required within 45 days following the reference date of the relevant statements. Information on the SSC and ISC checks can be found in the document SDAT checks. Information on DQI checks and comparisons with the Central Credit Register can be found in the aforementioned document National Specifics of Reporting to AnaCredit.
Each newly established reporting entity should send to the Business Administration of AnaCredit ( ) the contact details of the person(s) who:
- will be responsible for AnaCredit data reporting for your bank branch
- will receive the results of the plausibility checks and comparisons with the Central
- will receive from us documents on the results of the plausibility checks and comparisons with the Central Credit Register by means of encrypted communication (it is necessary to have a commercial encryption certificate issued by a PostSignum, I.CA or eIdentity authority) or the Central Credit Register DM system
AnaCredit credit data reporting is also related to the separate RIAD system, which contains information on counterparties appearing in credit data (debtor, creditor...). For the purposes of AnaCredit data reporting, it is necessary to use the counterparty identifiers registered in the RIAD system.
This is a centralized multi-purpose register of economic entities operating not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad, with the rule that each economic entity exists in this register exactly once and is identified by just one unique identifier (the so-called RIAD IDK). Using the RIAD IDK, the counterparty is then identified within the AnaCredit project.
To access the CNB RIAD, a commercial certificate from one of the three supported certification authorities (PostSignum, 1CA, eIdentity) is required - a representative of the reporting bank sends a request for the creation of a so-called superuser (user account manager) with an attached certificate in PEM form by e-mail to They then gain access to the CNB RIAD web application and web services.
The web application provides access to registry data through a simple, user-friendly search form, allows the sending of input messages in XML format, user-account management, and access to code lists. For automation, there are web services based on a simple API allowing the sending and receiving of XML requests and responses.
Before creating a new entity, the reporting person first verifies whether the entity is not already in the register (web form or XML-Query input message), then uploads new data to existing entities in the form of an update (XML report - update), creates non-existing entities (XML report - creation) and the so-called identification process takes place. For Czech counterparties, the ROS register of persons (one of the basic Czech registers - see, in Czech only). For foreign counterparties, the ECB RIAD system (to which the CNB RIAD is linked) is used in a similar way, and selected data are synchronised with the ECB RIAD.
All documentation, including manuals, technical specifications, auxiliary tools, links and code lists can be found at (in Czech only).
Please direct e-mail communications, questions and requests related to AnaCredit to or, where related to RIAD, to
Reporting obligation and methodology
The collection of UVIS data - survey of consumer loans secured by residential property - is carried out at three-month intervals on the last day of February, May, August and November. The deadline for data submission is 30 calendar days following the reference date.
All banks and branches of foreign banks have a reporting obligation. If the reporting entity (bank, branch) did not provide any consumer loans secured by residential property in the reporting period, it submits a blank statement to the CNB.
The data collected are granular and aggregated data on newly granted, increased and refinanced consumer loans secured by residential property in the reference period of the preceding three months. The statement also contains granular data on consumer loans secured by residential property that are in default as of the last day of the reference period.
The structure of the statement and its individual data fields is available in the SDAT system under Methodological information - Statements - Banking reporting framework. More information on the methodology for collecting UVIS data with the UVIS01 statement in METVBxx reporting is also available in the methodological documents available in the Methodological Guide to the UVIS Statement on the CNB website.
Please direct e-mail communication and questions to
Reporting obligations and methodology
The exact definition of the required data and the form of individual statements for the purposes of macroeconomic statistics are available in the SDAT information collection system in the menu Methodological information - Statements - VR Banking in the time context of the relevant methodology (link), but only in the Czech language. Only the following statements are relevant for macroeconomic statistics:
- P (CNB) 3-04 JIPIFE10 Quarterly statement of a bank/branch of a foreign bank on prepaid non-resident collections from domestic securities
- P (CNB) 4-04 PIPIFE10 Quarterly statement of a bank/branch of a foreign bank on future repayments of loans received from non-residents.
- Dev (CNB) 11-12 PESIFE11 Monthly statement of a bank/branch of a foreign bank on selected collections and payments
Contact: Statement P (CNB) 3-04 JIPIFE10 and statement P (CNB) 4-04 PIPIFE10 Ms Lucie Ruská and statement Dev (CNB) 11-12 PESIFE11 Ms Dana Slaninová,