Supervisory statistics
Supervisory statistics comprise the collection, processing and publication of data used to monitor compliance with regulatory rules in the context of financial market supervision and stability developments in the financial sector. These statistics include information collected under the single European reporting frameworks specified in directly applicable European legislative acts by the European supervisory authorities (the EBA – the European Banking Authority, ESMA – the European Supervisory Market Authority, and EIOPA – the European Iansurance and Occupational Pensions Authority) and the CNB’s national supervisory requirements. They form an integrated statistical system covering the collection of relevant information from banks, credit unions, insurance companies, reinsurance companies, investment firms, management companies and investment funds, investment fund administrators, persons listed in Article 15(1) of the Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds, pension management companies and pension funds, payment institutions, account information service providers, electronic money institutions, small-scale payment service providers, small-scale electronic money issuers, regulated market operators, multilateral and organised trading facility operators and settlement system operators. Reports for individual areas are submitted to the CNB via the SDAT collection system.
The Czech National Bank publishes selected supervisory statistical data in section Basic indicators of the financial market of ARAD. The sets given there contain data on the number of entities, the main financial reports, compliance with prudential rules and conduct of business for each subsector of the financial market, i.e. banks, credit unions, insurance companies, investment firms, management companies and investment funds, and pension management companies and pension funds. The data are available in time series starting in 2008, with the exception of the data on pension management companies and the funds operated by them, whose time series start in 2013 due to a conceptual change.
Other information and publications based on the supervisory statistics can be found at Supervision, regulation / Aggregate financial market information.
- Legislative framework for supervisory statistics
- Methodological information on supervisory statistics
- Operational information on supervisory statistics
- Frequently asked questions
Disclosure of information