Management companies, investment funds and persons listed in Article 15(1) of the AMCIF
A detailed methodology for all statements submitted by management companies, investment fund administrators, investment funds and persons listed in Article 15 of the Act on Management Companies and Investment Funds is available via the SDAT system in the Methodological Information section.
Up-to-date additional methodological information and documents:
- Modifications made to the FOFI20241201 and FOFI20250101 methodology - full list (docx, 40 kB) (in Czech only)
Pomůcky k výkaznictví pro osoby zapsané do seznamu ČNB dle § 15 ZISIF
- SDAT registrace a podepisování (pdf, 1,13 MB) (in Czech only)
- ROFOS36 ROFOS37 metodická příručka (xlsx, 720 kB) (in Czech only)
- Úpravy v metodice FONDY – prosinec 2021 (pdf, 240 kB) (in Czech only)
- Informace o změnách v dohledovém výkaznictví – červen 2021 (pdf, 255 kB) (in Czech only)
- attachements ROFOS11, ROFOS13, DOFOS31, DOFOS50, DOFOS60, ROFOS10, VYFOS20 (zip, 518 kB) (in Czech only)