Operational information on supervisory statistics
The methods of supplying the required information to the Czech National Bank differ in terms of type and frequency. The following methods are used:
- in the case of regular information submitted in statements and reports under individual sector-specific decrees, using the SDAT system, which offers main methods of submitting data to the CNB (SDAT web application and Web Services),
- in the case of non-automated submission of information, using dedicated e-mail addresses or the data box of the Czech National Bank.
Handbooks and other documents concerning operational issues in reporting:
- SDAT - Documentation - technical specification (available in Czech only)
- Methodology for encrypting messages for the CNB (pdf, 124 kB, available in Czech only).
- Certificate for encrypting messages for the address "dohled_reporting@cnb.cz" (cer, 2 kB, available in Czech only).
- Certificate for encrypting messages for the address "konsolidace@cnb.cz" (cer, 2 kB, available in Czech only).