Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs IMF)
The financial soundness indicators have been created by the International Monetary Fund in the interest of supporting international comparisons and supporting macroprudential analyses of the financial market.
These indicators are composed of two parts: the core set, which includes basic indicators for the banking sector, and the additional set, which also includes, apart from additional supplementary indicators for the banking sector, selected indicators characterising other financial and non-financial institutions, households, market liquidity and the real estate market. In addition to concrete data, detailed metadata has also been processed, describing the differences in basic assumptions (e.g. in accounts, evaluation methods, the extent of consolidation) as well as specific conditions (the unavailability of some items in national reporting systems and so on) for individual countries, which permits an evaluation of the comparability of the individual countries.
The financial soundness indicators are presented on the IMF website (
The Czech National Bank is involved in this International Monetary Fund project and provides available data relating to the banking sector with a quarterly frequency (the data are updated no later than three months after the end of the quarter). In 2022, a new mapping was introduced according to the FSI Guide. The range of data sent was also changed. Aggregate underlying data are now sent to the IMF instead of the compiled indicators that were previously submitted. As the indicators are calculated by the IMF, their parallel publication on the CNB website has been discontinued. The relevant indicators, including metadata, continue to be published on the IMF website:
- Methodological explanatory notes (the required data can be selected in a filter/on the upper bar) - Basic and additional indicators (the required data can be selected in a filter/on the upper bar)