Regular reporting of pension management companies and funds operated by pension management companies
Pension management companies and Funds operated by pension management companies submit to the Czech National Bank the statements, reports and other information defined in:
- Decree No. 93/2007 Coll. on information duty of a pension for supervision purposes of the Czech National bank - available in Czech only,
- Complete wording of Decree No. 314/2013 Coll. (pdf, 184 kB, available in Czech only) (as of 1 January 2015 - working material for information only).
- State-Contributory Supplementary Pension Insurance Act (42/1994 Coll.)
The detailed methodology underlying the individual statements and reports is available in a manner allowing remote access in the Methodological information section of the SDNS application, Pension management companies and Funds operated by pension management companies area (available in Czech only). From the technical point of view a pension fund uses for automated data collection SDNS application.