Licensing and approval proceedings - credit unions
Specimen application forms and the content of their annexes and related applications are stipulated in Decree No. 355/2020 Coll. (see below). The requisites of applications, the specimen forms on which applications should be submitted, methodological and interpretation documents are defined in the following questionnaire forms and official information of the Czech National Bank.
- Decree No. 355/2020 Coll. (pdf, 800 kB, available in Czech only) (as of 19 July 2023 – working material)
- Decree No. 355/2020 Coll. (pdf, 612 kB), on applications and certain information pursuant to the Act on Banks and the Act on Credit Unions
- Decree No. 56/2023 Coll. (pdf, 213 kB), amending Decree No. 355/2020 Coll., on applications and certain information pursuant to the Act on Banks and the Act on Credit Unions
Official information, methodological documents
- Official Information of 5 August 2020 (pdf, 255 kB) regarding the interpretation of the terms trustworthiness and competence
- Official Information of 7 July 2008 (pdf, 145 kB, available in Czech only), announcing the practice of the Czech National Bank regarding extract or copy from the crime register
Application forms
- Application for a consent to the acquisition of or increase in the qualifying holding of a regulated legal entity / to control a regulated legal entity (MS Word, 33 kB, pdf, 249 kB)
Questionnaire forms for the assessment of entities in compliance with the Act on Credit Unions:
- Questionnaire for assessment of professional qualifications, trustworthiness and experience of a senior officer of an investment intermediary or of a person proposed for an executive managerial position in a financial holding entity (MS Word, 117 kB, pdf, 27 kB)
- Questionnaire containing legal and other aspects relating to the acquisition of a qualifying holding (MS Word, 55 kB, pdf, 17 kB)
The conditions for providing information in applications for authorisation as a credit institution are laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2581 of 20 June 2022 (external link) laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to provision of information in applications for authorisation of a credit institution (hereinafter the “Regulation”).
Contact point for submitting applications
The Czech National Bank hereby provides the details of the contact point for the submission of all information by persons wishing to apply for authorisation as a credit institution.
Competent authority: Czech National Bank
Contact point: Financial Market Supervision Department, Administrative Proceedings Division
Address: Senovážná 3, 115 03 Praha 1
Telephone: 224 411 111
Data mailbox ID: 8tgaiej
The above contact details are solely for the purposes of communication regarding the submission of the application (see below for information on actually submitting the application). Any professional regulatory queries should be submitted using the relevant CNB form for professional queries. Anyone interested in applying for authorisation as a credit institution can request a preliminary consultation with the CNB via the above contact point before submitting the application.
Submitting the application
The application may be submitted in paper format or in electronic form, although for practical reasons the preferred option is electronic submission via the data mailbox.
The application can be submitted in electronic form:
- from the data mailbox of the applicant or the applicant’s authorised representative to the data mailbox of the Czech National Bank (ID: 8tgaiej)
- by means of an e-mail sent to and signed with the recognised electronic signature (either an advanced electronic signature based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures, or a qualified electronic signature) of the applicant or the applicant’s authorised representative.
Language of the application
The application form, notifications and all other related additional information may be submitted in Czech or Slovak. The party to the proceedings shall submit the original of any foreign language document accompanied by an official translation into Czech unless the administrative authority informs the party to the proceedings that it does not require a translation.
The Regulation shall apply to applications for authorisation as a credit institution submitted from 18 July 2023 onwards.
Application form and formal requirements of the application
Applicants for authorisation as a credit institution shall submit the information set out in Articles 1 to 9 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2580 of 17 June 2022 (external link) supplementing Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the information to be provided in the application for the authorisation as a credit institution, and specifying the obstacles which may prevent the effective exercise of supervisory functions of competent authorities (hereinafter “Regulation 2022/2580”) by filling in the template set out in the Annex to the Regulation.
Applications for authorisation as a credit institution shall be deemed to be complete if they contain all the information required by Regulation 2022/2580.