Notice on filing an application pursuant to the Non-Performing Credit Market Act

1 May 2024

On 1th May 2024, the new Act No. 84/2024 Coll., on the non-performing credit market (hereinafter the "Act") came into effect. On the basis of this, it will be possible to submit applications for a licence to operate, namely applications for a licence to operate as a non-performing credit servicer pursuant to Section 5 of the Act.

Applications can only be submitted electronically, i.e. via a Czech National Bank electronic application (REGIS application), via the data box system, or by e-mail signed with a recognised electronic signature. The Czech National Bank will reject applications submitted in any other form.

Applications may be submitted only from the effective date of the Act, and the Czech National Bank will postpone an "application" submitted before this date pursuant to Section 43(1)(b) of Act. No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended.

It is will be possible to enter the following in the REGIS system:

  • applications successfully submitted through the REGIS application during the operating hours of the REGIS application, which are continuous, with the exception of regular technical shutdowns from 12:00 on Saturdays to 22:00 on Sundays; the acceptance of applications and notifications pursuant to the Non-Performing Credit Market Act will start on 2th May 2024 from 8:00,


  • applications submitted electronically other than through the REGIS application. In the latter case, however, Czech National Bank staff will have to manually enter them into the application. Therefore, it is essential that the information in the application is accurate and enables the applicant to be identified in the basic register. At the same time, the working hours of the mailroom and of the staff who will process applications manually need to be taken into account. Applications received after 13:00 can be registered in the REGIS application on the following business day at the earliest. Please note that the entry into the system of applications submitted earlier will depend on the number of applications received, and applications will be entered into the system in the order in which they are received and taking into account the capacity of the system.

At the same time, the Czech National Bank would like to point out that in order to use the REGIS application, it is necessary to have a recognised electronic signature and to install supporting files, which are available, together with instructions and answers to frequently asked questions, at You can use the testing environment to set up access - this is available at:

More information concerning applications and notifications pursuant to the Act can be found at: